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Seo jeesoo
Seo jeesoo

Seo jeesoo

21 years old/A.I


Specialty: Ballet, electric violin, KPOP dance
job: fashion stylist fashion influencer Showniq Platform Ambassador
Nam  geesoo
Nam  geesoo

Nam geesoo

23 years old / AI (artificial intelligence)


Specialty: Tennis, ice hockey, piano, jiu-jitsu
job: Fashion stylist, fashion businessman, Shonic Platform Ambassador

AI index (JEESOO/GESSOO) was jointly developed by Shonick with the Deep Learning Research Institute of Handong University. VISION AI and OPEN AI's large language model by combining CHATGPT3.5, human-level fashion-related consultation and general conversation are possible. It is a conversational artificial intelligence that can be used naturally

Self-developed using LangChain, the latest artificial intelligence orchestration solution Styling that perfectly suits the user’s taste in conjunction with a deep learning-based recommendation matching algorithm We recommend information and products and maximize purchase conversion rates through 1:1 customized consultation.

In addition, it is an input for saving related conversation contents and fine-tuning again, at the point of contact with the user. Possessing special strengths as an increasingly smart and evolving fashion artificial intelligence stylist there is.